we recognize and salute the 100th birthday of Jack Kirby, born as Jacob
Kurtzberg. Jack was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York 100
years ago today.
Kirby was one of the most powerful, creative and prolific artists who ever
lived. Everything he did resonated with mad ideas and energy. He didn’t live to
see himself become the world-renowned superstar he is today, but I think he’d
be happy knowing that his creations will live forever. Thanks for everything,
sad to think what (SJW) Marvel Comics has become. Instead of telling adventure
stories about heroes and villains and good vs. evil, SJW Marvel has chosen to
publish comics about social issues, alternative lifestyles and how racist/intolerant/xenophobic,
etc. America is. Of course their traditional audience has fled in droves,
decimating their sales and crashing the company’s comic publishing division.
What is Marvel’s response? More SJW characters. Fewer classic characters. No
stories about heroes fighting villains (unless those villains are Christians,
conservatives or businessmen—those evils exist at Marvel to be killed or beaten
Diversity & Comics is one of the many YouTube Channels run by an unhappy fan who,
like me, detests this new SJW Marvel. The host is a talented artist and
insightful commentator with excellent judgment and a refreshing sense of
humor. He is fighting for Marvel to bring back intelligent stories with no
agenda and no ax to grind. That’s all we ask!
of the running jokes on Diversity is about Marvel’s new Iron Man, RiRi
Williams. For those who haven’t heard, RiRi is a teenaged black girl who stole
materials from MIT to make her own version of the Iron Man armor. She is
immediately feted by the world for being a savior and genius, the most heroic
heroine who ever lived, despite having no real accomplishments except theft and
good technical knowledge. RiRi is an obnoxious, clueless character who actually
asks other people to denounce her so she can claim racism. While SJW Marvel
lifts her up as a heroine, Diversity has a running gag that she is really meant
to be a super-villain. To this end, Diversity’s host has commissioned a
satirical comic story about RiRi as villain. It’s only ten pages and is
Here is the video where Diversity explains the project:
And here is the actual comic, which anyone can read free of charge:
has other such stories planned tweaking different books and characters at SJW Marvel.
Fans have been fed up for years that our characters are killed or replaced and
our beliefs are mocked by a company we used to love. It’s about time someone
struck back. And the way they do it is delicious. This isn’t just about mocking
SJW Marvel. It’s about returning sanity and the characters we love to the
company. Check it out. Again, this and all subsequent stories will be free to